Organization/Chapter Expectations


Fraternity & Sorority Affairs has implemented a series of minimum expectations for all chapters associated with our office. Below is a listing with links to important information regarding the specific expectations which shall be executed by the chapter president and/or his/her designee when denoted.

  • Chapters maintain Registered Student Organization (RSO) status with the University of Illinois.
  • Update the Chapter's Roster & Officer Listing each semester on the Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Roster System.
  • Update the Chapter President Contact Information when a new chapter president has been elected or contact information has changed. This can be done by emailing or calling our office at 217-333-7062.
  • Facilitate completion and submission of New Member Rights & Grade Release Forms. It is an expectation for each and every new member who joins the fraternity and sorority community at Illinois to complete and have on file in our office a New Member Rights & Grade Release Form. While our office has an expectation for each members to sign and date the "Guaranteed Rights of Members," we encourage chapter leaders to have member sign and date the Fraternity & Sorority Grade Release Form in order for our office to list each member's grades on the academic grade report.
  • Complete the New Chapter President Orientation online course.
  • Attend the Chapter Presidents' Leadership Academy (CPLA).
  • Attend the New Member Educator Forum (for New Member Educators who are in the first semester of their role, presidents are not required to attend).
  • Schedule and attend a Semester Meeting with your chapter's Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Staff Liaison. These meetings should be completed within the first two months of the semester. Get the listing of Fraternity & Sorority Staff Liaisons. To schedule a meeting with your Staff Liaison, please call our office at 217-333-7062 or email
  • Complete and submit the Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Anti-Hazing Documentation each semester.
  • Attend a GUARD: Consent & Sexual Assault Prevention for Fraternities & Sororities Workshop.
  • Fire Safety Education: Certified houses are expected to complete an in house fire drill scheduled with their local fire department and complete a safety education module. Non-certified houses must complete the safety education module.
    • Chapters with Certified Housing: One live in member (Must be House Manager) completes the Fire Safety Module in a calendar year. Deadline March 1st.
    • Chapters without Certified Housing: The chapter president or a designated member must complete the Fire Safety Module in an academic year. Deadline October 1st
  • Attend Private Certified Housing Meetings (for chapters with certified housing only and House Managers and Presidents only).
  • Submit the Chapter Semester Report. The Chapter Semester Report will ask for services hours completed and funds donated by the chapter to external entities. In addition, you'll also be asked to submit information regarding your membership development programming.
  • Read the Fraternity & Sorority Affairs (FSA) Newsletter. The FSA Newsletter is sent to all chapter presidents and consists of general updates in the following areas: Upcoming Events; Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Events, Programs, and deadlines; Campus and Community Announcements; and Volunteer Opportunities.

Should you have any questions regarding Chapter Expectations, please contact your Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Staff Liaison. Get the listing of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Staff Liaisons.