Emerging Leaders


Emerging leaders, a student-run, day-long mini leadership retreat, provides current student leaders in the fraternity and sorority community the opportunity to implement theory to practices while educating leaders of tomorrow. Combining the work of Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner with personal experiences, Emerging Leaders helps young members of our fraternity and sorority community to understand how they function as a leader in a safe and supportive environment.

The program involves best practices as well as provides participants with examples of activities which can be used to explore leadership within their fellow chapter brothers/sisters.

Sponsored by the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils, all fraternity and sorority members are welcome and encouraged to register and participate. Information regarding the program is shared with chapters through their respective councils during the fall semester.

For questions regarding Emerging Leaders, please contact Fraternity & Sorority Affairs at fsaffairs@illinois.edu.