Consultant & Inter/national Officer Visits


The Fraternity & Sorority Affairs staff works closely with inter/national staff and volunteers to support the operation and administration of its chapters. We welcome any and all consultant and national officer visits.

During a consultant visit, we are more than happy to discuss items pertaining to the council in which the chapter maintains membership and the university. More specifically, we will typically review academics, membership/recruitment.

Should the consultant or national officer request any documentation not traditionally provided during a visit, we ask you please contact the individual staff member with whom you plan to visit to ensure amble time is provided to pull the documentation together.

To schedule a visit with a staff member, please contact Michelle Hart at or call 217-333-7062. To best accommodate all schedules, we request at least two weeks notice prior to any visit.

Not sure who you should schedule a time to meet with while on campus? See which staff member advises each chapter by getting the complete staff liaison list.